Okanagan Woman Magazine

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Fundraising launch: Habitat for Humanity, Vernon

Pictured from left (with pink shirt) going clockwise:  Karin O’Brian, Beth Marks, Kathy Szoboticsanec (pronounced: so bo tea cha nets), Cheryl Kaminsky, Sareena Sharma Nickoli, Glory Westwell (Chair of Habitat for Humanity Vernon Committee), Charlene Silverster.

Lend a hand to buy the land!

Fundraising launch:  Habitat for Humanity Vernon Chapter

 What, you ask, is needed to launch Habitat for Humanity into perpetual motion in Vernon and the North Okanagan?  Good question!  And the answer?
The land to build on!

Vernon’s local chapter has willing builders, architects and enthusiasm for a project but it all hinges upon a suitable lot being purchased.  We are all acutely aware of the need for safe, decent, affordable housing for working families and Habitat has proven all over the world that they have the right formula for home ownership.  Without affordable homes our young, working families have to relocate leaving an unbalanced demographic in our communities.  We need our young families to be able to live and flourish in the North Okanagan!

Enter the “Habitat Champions” an ad hoc group of great women who accepted the land challenge with gusto!  Sareena Sharma Nickoli, Karin O’Brian, Charlene Silvester, Kathy Szoboticsanec (pronounced: so bo tea cha nets), Cheryl Kaminsky and Beth Marks have made a fundraising commitment and will work closely with Glory Westwell and the local and great Habitat for Humanity Committee.

Our goal:  300,000!  We know this will be the cost of a lot which will allow for more than one home – a 4-plex would be great.  Habitat wisely does not go into debt so once we have the land all other facets will come into force and the build will begin.
Here is the beauty…once the first build happens it becomes the seed of the next land purchase and the next build….Kelowna has done 18 projects benefitting 75 people to date!  No reason why our North Okanagan Communities cannot do the same.  (Habitat locally was able to have one unit built as part of a wonderful collaboration, “Under on Roof.”)  Now, with an independent Habitat build we can see Habitat in perpetual motion in our communities!

So, please lend a hand to buy the land!!  All of our efforts are completely on a volunteer basis and any donations above 20.00 will receive a tax receipt.

We anticipate that businesses that rely on employees who fit the criteria of a Habitat home owner will be especially keen to come on board with donations and sponsorships!

On line, www.vernonhabitat.com note your donation is for this land project.  By cheque please note also it is for land purchase and either drop at Charlene Silvester’s Notary Public office on 30th Ave in Vernon or mail to: 

Habitat for Humanity Vernon Chapter
Box 1703 Stn Main
Vernon, BC V1T 8C3

Follow us on facebook!  Habitat for Humanity Vernon Chapter: Lend a hand to buy the land.


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